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Ham And Cheese Bites

Ham And Cheese Bites

Plato Snack
Cocina ketogenic Diet
Tiempo de preparación 10 minutos
Tiempo de cocción 25 minutos
Tiempo total 30 minutos
Raciones 11 bites
Calorías 157 kcal


  • 150 gr cooked ham
  • 11/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 3 egs
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 4 oz cream cheese

Elaboración paso a paso

  1. Preheat oven 350F

  2. Cut the ham

  3. Combine the ham and the cream cheese in a mixing bowl

  4. Add the cheese and mix well

  5. Add the rest of the ingredients till you make a dough

  6. Cover the baking dish with the parchment paper

  7. Make 11 bites and put them on the baking sheet

  8. Cook for 25 minutes

Notas de la Receta

ham and cheese bites nutrition facts
ham and cheese bites nutrition facts