Can a vegan eat oatmeal?

vegan oatmeal recipe

Yes, a vegan can eat oatmeal. Oatmeal is made from oats, which are a plant-based food. However, it’s important to note that what you add to your oatmeal can change whether or not it’s vegan. For example, adding milk or honey will make the dish non-vegan, but adding plant-based milk (like almond or soy milk), fruit, or other vegan toppings will be fine.

If you buy instant or prepackaged oats, always check the ingredients as they can sometimes include non-vegan additives.

What is Oatmeal?

Oatmeal is a type of coarse flour made of hulled oat grains (groats) that have either been milled (ground) or steel-cut. Ground oats are also called «white oats». Steel-cut oats are known as «coarse oatmeal», «Irish oatmeal» or «pinhead oats». The term «oatmeal» is also used to refer to a dish made by cooking oats in some form of liquid (water, milk, plant-based milk) until they soften into a porridge.

Main Types of Oatmeal

Different types of oats go through different amounts of processing, which can influence their texture, cooking time, and nutritional profile. Here are the main types:

Steel Cut Oats: Also known as Irish oatmeal, steel-cut oats are whole oat groats that have been chopped into pieces but not rolled. They have a slightly nuttier flavor and chewier texture than other types. They take the longest to cook.

Scottish Oats: These are stone-ground, rather than being rolled or cut. They end up as a mix of whole oat groats, broken groats, and fine oat flour that cooks up into a very creamy porridge.

Rolled Oats: Also known as old-fashioned oats, rolled oats are made by steaming and rolling whole oat groats. They cook faster than steel-cut oats, have a milder flavor and a softer texture.

Quick Oats: These are rolled oats that have been chopped into smaller pieces so they cook very quickly. They can sometimes end up a bit mushier than rolled or steel-cut oats.

Instant Oats: The most processed of the five types, instant oats are pre-cooked, dried, then rolled and pressed slightly thinner than rolled oats. They cook more quickly than steel cut or rolled oats, but the texture is more mushy and they can be less nutritious, as they often have added salt and sugar.

Oat Flour: This is made by grinding whole-grain oats. It can be used in baking, to thicken sauces, or make a finer-textured oatmeal.

Remember that no matter what type you choose, oats are a great source of fiber and can be a healthy addition to most diets. They’re particularly known for their content of beta-glucan, a type of soluble fiber that can support heart health.

How To Make Vegan Oatmeal

I like to start by putting everything in one pot. This gives a creamy end result rather than heating the liquid and then adding the oatmeal. This is because oatmeal can slowly absorb liquids and soften them, creating a creamy final texture. Mix milk and oatmeal in a saucepan

vegan oatmeal
vegan oatmeal

Heat over low heat for 2-3 minutes. Do not cook at high temperatures as it is easy to burn. This keeps the oats from softening and creates the perfect creamy texture. Be careful not to overcook it. The oatmeal will thicken as it cools, so remove the oatmeal before it thickens completely. Thicken the boiled oatmeal in a pan with a spoon.

oatmeal prodige
oatmeal prodige

Transfer the oatmeal to a bowl and top with your favorite ingredients and enjoy. Use a spoon to take a bite from a bowl of oatmeal with fruit and nuts

Oatmeal Vegan Recipe

vegan oatmeal
vegan oatmeal


  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • 2 cups of water or almond milk (or your favorite plant-based milk)
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1-2 tablespoons of sweetener like maple syrup, agave syrup or date syrup (optional)
  • Fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds for topping (like sliced banana, blueberries, chopped almonds, chia seeds, etc.)


  1. Bring the water or almond milk to a boil in a saucepan.
  2. Stir in the oats and a pinch of salt, then reduce the heat to low.
  3. Simmer the oats, stirring occasionally, for 10-20 minutes, until the oats are your desired texture. If you like your oatmeal creamier, cook it for longer. If you like it chewier, cook it for less time.
  4. Stir in your sweetener of choice if using.
  5. Serve the oatmeal in bowls and top with your favorite fruits, nuts, and seeds.

This recipe serves 2 and can be easily adjusted for more servings. Enjoy!

People also ask

Are all Quaker Oats vegan? Yes! It doesn`t matter which brand of oatmeal you buy, they`re all vegan so long as they don`t have other elements that aren’t vegan.

What makes oatmeal not vegan? Honey, gelatin, and whey. Avoid instant oatmeal, remember that oatmeal by itself is vegan, but instant oatmeal (instant oatmeal, instant Quaker oatmeal, quick-cook oatmeal, quick oatmeal) contains non-vegan ingredients (Quaker strawberry, Quaker cinnamon, Quaker apple, Quaker maple) are often included.

Plant-Based Recipes

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Vegan Oatmeal Recipe

Plato Breakfast
Cocina plant-based, vegan
Keyword vegam oatmeal
Tiempo de preparación 5 minutos
Tiempo de cocción 3 minutos
Tiempo total 8 minutos
Raciones 2


  • 1 cup 1 cup of rolled oats
  • 2 cups 2 cups of water or almond milk (or your favorite plant-based milk)
  • salt to taste
  • 2 tbsp sweeteners like maple syrup, agave syrup, or date syrup
  • Fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds for topping (like sliced bananas, blueberries, chopped almonds, chia seeds, etc.)

Elaboración paso a paso

  1. Bring the water or almond milk to a boil in a saucepan.

  2. Stir in the oats and a pinch of salt, then reduce the heat to low.

  3. Simmer the oats, stirring occasionally, for 10-20 minutes, until the oats are your desired texture. If you like your oatmeal creamier, cook it for longer. If you like it chewier, cook it for less time.

  4. Stir in your sweetener of choice, if using.

  5. Serve the oatmeal in bowls and top with your favorite fruits, nuts, and seeds.

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